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Bed Sheets With Straps – So Simple, but Genius

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When my husband and I moved into a house that had a size-able bedroom, we finally got the opportunity to purchase a bigger bed – Eureka!

He’s a big guy at 6’2 and weighing in at a little over 2 bills, and we had been crammed into our Queen-sized bed since we were married and our previous bedroom was too small to fit anything else – it barely fit that bed, actually.

We took some time and evaluated different options and picked a bed that was suuuuper comfortable, but also very high up. Then I ordered one of these mattress toppers (the kind you sink into like a cloud) and the whole experience was basically heaven. I have never stayed anywhere where I didn’t miss that bed and coming home to it is a literal dream – a good one!

But nothing comes free – the price you pay for such comfort is a very tall, have to almost use a ladder to climb into it height… #FirstWorldProblems. Hoisting myself into bed is not really an issue but finding sheets that actually stay on is a pain.

I actually thought finding a sheet set that fit was never going to happen unless I sewed my own… that is, until recently.

I am a sucker for comfort and it’s one area that I don’t mind spending a little extra on – I figure we spend so many hours in bed that we should be getting the most out of that time. Typically, I buy Bed Bath & Beyond’s Pure Beech sheets which run around ~$70.00, those things are soft as all get up. BUT, they do come off the corners of the bed every night.

The problem with normal sheets is even the deep pocket sheets do not tuck under my mattress properly, and they come off every… single…. time. I had just become accustomed to hearing at some point in the night a pop (like if I moved a tiny bit or shifted positions) and that meant the corner of the sheet had popped off.  At some point in the morning I knew I’d see a ruffled-up sheet and the white liner exposed and then I’d have to pull as hard as I could to half-ass it back over the edge. If I was feeling particularly spunky I might take all the covers and pillows off and try to wedge it back under the bottom of the mattress, but that is rare because I knew IT WOULD JUST COME OFF AGAIN.

I ended up buying these little weird sheet garter belts (they probably have a better name than that) but they ended up being more frustrating than the sheet popping off.

Sheet Ties

Sheet Garter Belts

You try to clamp it down on the ends of the sheets and it either doesn’t do it because you can’t lock it in right (I think it takes some ritual magic to make it work), or it just ends up slipping off anyway… no, not good.

Recently, we happened to pass a booth while at a home show and they were selling sheets for $35.00. I figured they would feel cheap for that price, but they felt soft and were made out of microfiber.

Nice, but I thought, “Ehh, I have soft sheets”. Then I saw something ingenious – these had little straps sewn into them that basically did the same thing the garter things did, but they were ATTACHED.

Okay, I was interested.

Then, the man explained to me that these sheets were made taller than most to not pop off – say whaaaaaaat??? Yes – A MUST TRY. And for $35.00 how could I go wrong?

Well, the end result was, I didn’t go wrong.

I put these on the bed right (after washing them in case there is manufacturing “stuff” on them) – and they FIT, like, actually FIT. No stretching or doing the usual awkward maneuvers to get them to secure, they just fit.

The first night I was skeptical – “will they, won’t they?”, but no popping noises. Was it just a fluke, perhaps I was particularly peaceful and didn’t move during the night? NOPE, these sheets were the real deal and have stayed on, including the corners, since I put them on.

I have sadly now packed away all my expensive sheets and have a feeling these will be the only ones I use from now on.

Be careful washing them – I usually wash everything on hot and it just has to “survive”, but have been kinder to these since they have done such a good job of staying on.

If you are experiencing the same frustrations with a tall bed – give these a try!

Every size (even King and Cal King) costs under $40.00.

They also have great colors to choose from and you can get them at Amazon here.

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