My Mom recently needed some music on her computer so that she could have it accessible when she wasn’t online. She called me asking if I could help her set up Audacity so she could grab audio from online after reading a tutorial that told her to do this. Now while Audacity IS a great program, that would have been total overkill for what she was looking to do, which was just to get an MP3 song that she liked downloaded to her computer for free.
This tutorial will teach you how to very quickly and easily download any song that is available on YouTube, with no registration or cost. You do not need Audacity or any other program to do this.
Step 1
• Go to the site named
Step 2
• Enter the song or artist that you wish to download and select the “search” magnifier glass.
• Select “Download” to download, or “Play” if you wish to play it from the site to verify it is the right song.
Step 3
• If you choose download in the previous step, you will now have three options:
- DOWNLOAD: Download to your local machine and your MP3 will now be available in your specified download location.
- SAVE TO CLOUD: You can save this to a cloud location such as your Google Drive or other cloud storage.
- SHARE ON FACEBOOK: You may share this with someone using Facebook.
• Pick the option you wish and your song will now be accessible!
That’s it!
If you are interested in other sites that also offer free music downloads, here are some other options:
It’s important to understand that most music is under copyright law, meaning you are not allowed to use these downloads for anything other than personal use. If you wish to use music in the background of a video, the best way to do that is to purchase royalty free music. You can find royalty free music in YouTube’s Audio Library here and each audio file will tell you how it can be used. Some can only be used under specific circumstances or with attribution. If you are using music which is under copyright in your video without a license, you can be subject to legal action or your video might be blocked.While this is not an all-encompassing database and you shouldn’t assume if no results are found it is safe to use the music, you can check the copyright on the music you wish to use by searching for it in YouTube’s Music Policies area.