Bird Baths are a great way to encourage our feathered friends to come around, and give them a much needed reprieve from the heat and/or a drink. If you love bird watching and want a way to bring more of them around, the following are some creative ideas to help you entice the birdies with a cool place to bathe.
Why Bother Putting a Bird Bath Out?
Birds need bird baths to keep their feathers clean and in good condition. Feather maintenance is essential for birds as it helps them regulate their body temperature, fly, and avoid predators. Bathing in water helps birds remove dust, dirt, and parasites from their feathers, which can weigh them down and affect their insulation.
In addition to cleaning, bird baths also provide a source of hydration for birds. During hot and dry weather, bird baths can be a crucial source of water for birds, especially for those that may not have access to other sources such as ponds or streams.
Birds are also attracted to the sound of running water, and a bird bath with a fountain or dripper can be particularly attractive to them. Moving water helps to prevent the buildup of algae and mosquitoes, which can be harmful to both birds, humans, and other animals.
Overall, bird baths are an important part of maintaining healthy bird populations and can provide an enjoyable and rewarding activity for anyone – you don’t have to be an avid birdwatcher to enjoy the benefits of extra birds in your yard.
Connecting with nature is incredible. The more we can live in harmony with the creatures that we share this Earth with, the better our lives are for it.
One thing to consider is if you have a cat or nearby neighbor cats, make sure your bird bath is in a safe spot so it doesn’t just turn into a hunting area for the felines in your neighborhood.
DIY or Buy?
There are lots of great options to purchase bird baths, but they can range from mildly to extremely expensive.
As an alternative, you might consider making one – they can be very simple to make or very complex, the level you decide on is up to you.
These are some of the best DIY bird baths for you to consider creating.
Most of these are easy to make, so find one in your wheelhouse and give it a try!
Flower Pot DIY Bird Bath
Create a simple, easy to make, attractive bird bath using a new pot or a recycled broken pot from your yard.
Skill level: Beginner
Terracotta DIY Bird Bath
A bird bath that is functional and super easy to put together.
Skill level: Beginner
Mosaic Iris Bird Bath
A gorgeous and intricate mosaic bird bath. Advanced skill levels would be required to create and assemble something like this.
Skill level: Advanced
Family Backyard Bird Bath
A great family weekend project – this bird bath is simple to make and would be fun to put together with your kids.
Skill level: Beginner
Simple Bricks Bird Bath
This easy to assemble brick bird bath base is made with any scrap bricks you have lying around, and doesn’t even require mortar.
Skill level: Beginner
Tomato Cage Bird Bath
Using a tomato cage and a terra cotta pot bottom, make a low maintenance bird bath that is very easy to clean.
Skill level: Beginner
Recycled CD/DVD Bird Bath
A great way to recycle and give those old cds and dvds a new purpose as a bright, beautiful and functional decoration in the yard.
Skill level: Intermediate
Source: hometalk
Cement Leaf Bird Bath
This tutorial will walk you through making a large leaf-like bird bath out of cement.
Skill level: Intermediate
Candle Stick Bird Bath
Using recycled materials from the thrift store, you can take a candlestick holder and a pot lid to make a bird bath using this tutorial.
Skill level: Beginner
Upcycled Plant Stand Bird Bath
Trash-to-treasure plant stand repurposed into a bird bath (or plant holder).
Skill level: Beginner
Mosaic Bowl BirdBath
Step by step instructions on how to make a mosaic bowl
Skill level: Intermediate
Source: BHG
Serving Dish Bird Bath
Create this adorable bird bath from a serving dish – total cost for this one was only $5!
Skill level: Intermediate
Safety Precautions
Home-made bird baths can also be dangerous if proper care is not taken to keep these safe for birds.
In order to keep your bird bath safe, follow these instructions.
- Always keep your bird bath clean and free from debris or harmful contaminants (such as feces or mold)
- Wash your bird bath out every couple days to make sure it has fresh water
- Keep your bird bath away from predators such as cats or other animals which prey on birds
- Only fill your bird bath with 2 inches of water at most – birds can drown in deeper water
- Make sure your materials are safe for animals – don’t use glues or chemicals that can hurt them
- Make sure your bird bath doesn’t have any sharp edges, metal or glass that could potentially cut the birds
I hope you got some interesting ideas from this roundup!
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